Celebrity Boer Goats

Stories of a young novice farmer's adventures with South African Boer meat goats, animal husbandry, intensive pasture management, and other efforts to produce food with environmentally sustainable methods.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Debbie Roos' Photos

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Boer Bucks for Sale or Trade

I've got a couple Boer bucks for sale or trade. They are located in Silk Hope, on the Celebrity Dairy Farm. These are male meat goats. Very good blood, conformation, coloring, and temperaments. I need fresh genes in my small herd. So I am willing to sell or trade for equal stock.

Sam is a registered pure-blood Boer. The previous owner informs me that Sam is registered, but the papers were lost. He's quite potent, and throws very good kids. He has sired nine kids since 2004. I believe he is 3 or 4 years old. He is more manageable than the typical meat goat, as he has been fed daily and handled often. I am asking $300.

Brownie is an un-registered son of registered stock. I believe he is also pure-blood Boer. His conformation and coloring is superior to Sam, his sire. He is 9 months old. I am asking $250.

I will consider a trade for a registered pure-bred Boer buck, for one of these two goats.

Please forgive the poor quality of the photos: The camera was quite cold, and the lens got fogged. I touched up the one showing Sam, the older buck with full horns. The un-modified photo is of Brownie, the 9 month old billy.

Interested parties please contact me by email.

john DOT bonitz AT gmail DOT com

Autumn Kids for Sale

Here's an email I sent round to a few friends a few weeks ago, offering the first of the season's kids for sale:

"Wanted to let you know I've got four kids available for sale. One, a fat 45 lb billy, is about two months old. Milk fed, and still with his mom, but weaned for a month now. The other three are only about three weeks old, maybe 10-15 pounds each. One doe-kid, two billies. They're totally free of chemicals, dewormers, vaccines, etc. Only water, sunshine, momma's milk, woodland browse, and pelletized grain.

I had intended to do some marketing for Eid al Fitr (end of Ramadan), but it crept up on me and I never got the time. The big boy is so plump, I'd like $2 per pound. The littlest kids are $1.25 per pound. That'll go up to $1.50/lb once they're weaned."

I just delivered the kids to the buyer today. The next expected kiddings will be in March, I reckon.

Meat Goats on the Celebrity Dairy Farm

In summer 2005, John Bonitz launched a small new enterprise on the Celebrity Dairy Farm. He bought four meat goats and placed them in a small pasture and woodland. There, visible from the road-front, they browse and forage happily. Their diets are supplemented with high-protein concentrated feed, orchard-grass hay, and minerals. In 2007 and beyond John plans to begin learning intensive pasture management -- to save money on feed costs, and to reduce environmental impact associated with off-farm feed-production. This will involve rotational grazing, grass planting, soil sampling, and forage surveys. Also being considered are woodland-browse management techniques like coppicing. Stay tuned!